13. Learn More on Your Own
Learn More on Your Own
How to Learn More on Your Own
Find an interesting Android article
Have you ever had a class where the instructions are to browse the internet for whatever interests you? Well, here it is. Search online to find another Android development article that you're interested in and read it (or it can be a video or podcast). Figure out what the key ideas of the piece are and share those ideas with others. You can start by checking out these sites.
- Android Weekly is a weekly newsletter about the latest news in Android development.
- MaterialUp curates the best of Material design inspiration and tools.
Build up your network of Android developers on social media
Google Developer Experts are a network of professional developers in industry (external to Google). They are recognized as leaders in their communities - speaking at conferences, publishing tutorials, and mentoring developers. You can look at their profiles here and follow them on social media.
There are also multiple communities that you can be involved with. These are great places to ask those burning Android questions.
Alice's Favorite Resources
Here are the top three resources that Alice finds most useful:
- Lately she's been using the material design spec a lot for user interface development.
- Stack Overflow is definitely used the most for day-to-day development. She usually does a search in Google and click on any Stack Overflow results first.
- Git is a great tool for working on software projects in teams and keeping track of different version of the code. Here's one reference guide to Git that she likes to use, but there are lots of other tutorials/references out there too.
You can follow Alice on G+.
The Final Just Java Code for Lesson Two
Speaking of Git, you can find the final code for Just Java on this Github web-page. Github is a website that facilitates sharing code online. Code on Github is organized via the Git version control system. To learn more about Git and Github, consider taking our version control course.